Monday, October 25, 2010

When times get tough...

Have you ever met someone who was so willing to quit? For instance, they make a huge (maybe unrealistic) plan for something and start day dreaming. And when they finally get up to do something as soon as a glitch pops up, they sit back down. Why is that?

What is it about dreaming, planning, and executing a plan that makes people sit back down? When times get tough, someone needs to step up, not sit down. What makes people so afraid of success? Some may say it's harder to be successful than just complacent with whatever your situation is. Personally, I would be extremely uneasy knowing that I had an ounce of effort left in me and I didn't give something 100%.

There was a guy I knew who liked me. I wasn't so sure about reciprocating feelings but we hung out a couple times, he was nice. One day we were eating and hanging out and a picture of a 200k+ house comes up somewhere or another. "Man, I would have to win the lottery for something like that. Damn that's nice" he said. Needless to say, we were never an item. If you can't even dream big enough to make a plan to accomplish your goal or get something "nice" for you or your family, what's the point? Pay bills, live in debt, then die? Umm...I don't think so.

While we're on dreaming, what about the opposite extreme? The people who ONLY dream big and always TALK about their big goals in life and how far they will go. Where do they go? My GPS once told me "The destination is essentially the same place as your current location. Go 0.0 miles." Yeah, people who only dream and don't take action go no where. Setting a goal, making a plan, and failing is better than sitting down in the same spot everyday.

Go to work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. Go to work. Come home. Eat. Sleep.

Most people hate their job and consider it some place full of ill intentioned people. And then aren't happy with their home situation either. Instead of maybe looking for another way to have a career or another job in the same field, or even a new way to use your current skills, most people chill. Instead of talking to your significant other and discussing exactly what makes the relationship unfulfilling and putting in the work to make it better, most people just settle, or do less admirable things even.

What's the point of the inhale exhale if you aren't really living?

The first step is to visualize the goal. Second is to make it real, write an affirmation (i.e. "I have a job, that I love, that pays me over $55,000 a year on March 23rd, 2012"). Third is to set up action steps and deadlines. Fourth is to get out there and do it!

And let's not forget about the people who are dream stealers and hate to see someone doing well. "Why you wanna do that for? This ain't good enough for you?"
Try, "Umm, no, it's not good enough. Because I know I can do better. And I know I WILL do better. So could you if you put in the work too."

Get rid of the dream stealers in your social circle. If someone doesn't want you to do well they will only convince you that your destination IS the same place as your current location and why would you want to go anywhere else anyway?

We should never be afraid to dream. We deserve nice things in our lives. And we are fully capable of achieving our goals, being the person we want to be, and having the life we want to live.

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