Thursday, December 20, 2012

When you're ready for a change...

When you're ready for change you have to get your mind right. The first step in making your mind ready for your next step is recognizing what kind of shape it's in. Strip down to nothing. Look at it in the mirror without sucking in. That's what most of us are simply scared or too stubborn to do. Many times we fail because we don't evaluate before pressing ahead. It doesn't matter if it's romance, a class, or a new job. We have to evaluate and make the decision that we'll do better or just stay the same.

-------------------------- Untitled (like most of my stuff) -----------------
To proud to admit mistakes.
Fake it 'til you make it is what they say.
But the heart can't fake whole after a break.

What do I dream of?
Who do I want?
Mistakes happen but it's up to us not to wait on fate.
It is what we make.
We'll be looking forward to the same thing if our actions don't change.
But how do I change my actions?
I have God's best guide to thrive but I'm still half-baked.

Whatever's missing is on the inside.
I'm what's missing from my life.
We can point fingers, but why lie?
It's up to me to grab success and to thrive.
I only have to focus, pray, and decide.